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Updated: May 23, 2022

Debs is an artist and has been using various electric wheelchairs for over 10 years. Here is her experience of the Omeo in her own words...

'To Go Over Grass and Gravel Without Sinking is Sheer Joy'

The fastest speed on most wheelchairs, is unbearably slow. Anybody walking beside you has no problems trying to keep up, but more problems trying to slow down there natural pace or find themselves way ahead of you (in the chair).

The Frustration of it taking ages to get anywhere, and always watching the battery gauge as you’re going along the pavement because the battery runs down quickly, no longer exists using the Omeo.

You can now choose what speed YOU wish to go at, and when accompanied by an able-bodied person you can ask them what pace they would prefer to walk at and match it, even if they choose to run!

No longer do you need to worry when you’re out and about that you might get stuck in the middle of nowhere because the batteries run out, in fact you have the challenge of trying to run the battery down, its length of charge is that good.

To be able to go over grass and gravel, without sinking is sheer joy. Having the capability to once again enjoy country paths and bridleways, to get out onto moorland, and enjoy the expanse of God's creation and the beauty of breath taking scenery, restores the heart, mind and soul to a good place. It helps you cope with the battles of each day being stuck in the chair.

That sense of freedom, that was taken away for whatever reason, the Omeo can give you it back. It is very different from the usual electric wheelchairs so might take a while to get used to, but it’s worth persevering with.

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